
The bands I love and the music that I hear...They are the best, even though some of them are dead but, that's life and you can helped it. You'll find about everything, I mean every different kind of music. Sometimes it's weird for someone of my age, but who said you had to be of a certain age to listen something.
Maybe you'll find some things of your interest...hope so!

E. Jones*

PD: Just don't get scared.

1 comentario:

  1. Bff! Ahora me pasoo rapidoo porque la verdad se me cae la cabeza, pero quería decirte que me voy a poner las pilas y te voy a devolver todas las firmas que te debo. Te quieroo muchoo y ya quiero verteee:) se te extrañaa muchoo. Creo que ni un dia completo en vela nos vaya a ayudar a ponernos al día xd ajajaj mucho que contar y el día solo tiene 24 hs, muy poco.

