

   Les traigo la discografia de MUSE, si de esta banda que tanto me fascino. Faltan todavia los DVD's y los Singles, pero por ahora espero que les agrade todo lo que les traje.

Album: 1
Titulo: Showbiz
Año de lanzamiento: 1999

Canciones del CD
1   Sunburn                                          3:53
2   Muscle Museum                              4:22
3   Fillip                                               4:01
4   Falling Down                                   4:33
5   Cave                                              4:46
6   Showbiz                                         5:17
7   Unintended                                     3:57
8   Uno                                               3:38
9   Sober                                            4:04
10 Escape                                          3:31
11 Overdue                                         2:26
12 Hate This and I'll Love You               5:09
13 Spiral Static                                    4:43

Album: 2
Titulo: Origin of Symetry    
Año de lanzamiento: 2001

 Canciones del CD
1   New Born                    6:03
2   Bliss                           4:12
3   Space Dementia          6:20
4   Hyper Music                3:12
5   Plug in Baby                3:38
6   Citizen Erased             7:21
8   Micro Cuts                  3:38
9   Feeling Good               3:18
10 Screenager                  4:20
11 Dark Shines                4:46
12 Megalomania              4:39
13 Futurism                     3:26

Album: 3
Titulo: Hullabaloo
Año de lanzamiento: 2002

Canciones del CD
CD 1
1   Forced in                               4:17
2   Shrinking Universe                 3:07    
3   Recess                                 3:35
4   Yes Please                           3:05
5   Map of Your Head                  4:23
6   Nature_1                               3:39
7   Shine Acoustic                      5:11
8   Ashamed                               3:47
9   The Gallery                            3:30
10 Hyper Chondriac Music           5:29

1   Dead Star (Live)                    6:03
2   Micro Cuts (Live)                   3:30
3   Citizen Erased (Live)             7:21
4   Showbiz (Live)                      7:04
5   Megalomania (Live)               4:36
6   Dark Shines (Live)                 4:37
7   Screenager (Live)                  4:22
8   Space Dementia (Live)          5:32
9   In Your World (Live)               3:11 
10 Muscle Museum (Live)           4:28
11 Agitated (Live)                       4:11

Album: 4
Titulo: Absolution
Año de lanzamiento: 2003

Canciones del CD
1   Intro                                            0:22
2   Apocalypse Please                      4:23 
3   Time is Running Out                     3:58
4   Sing for Absolution                       4:54
5   Stockholm Syndrome                   4:57
6   Falling Away with You                  4:40
7   Interlude                                      0:37
8   Hysteria                                      3:47
9   Blackout                                      4:22
10 Buterflies and Hurricanes              5:01
11 The Small Print                            3:29
12 Endlessly                                    3:48
13 Thoughts of a Dying Atheist          3:07
14 Ruled by Secrecy                        4:52
15 Fury                                            5:00

Album: 5
Titulo: Black Holes and Revelations
Año de lanzamiento: 2006

Temas del CD
1   Take a Bow                                4:35
2   Starlight                                     4:03
3   Supermassive Black Hole            3:29
4   Map of the Problematique            4:18
5   Soldier's Poem                           2:04
6   Invincible                                    5:00
7   Assassin                                   3:31
8   Exo-Politics                               3:53
9   City of Delusion                          4:48
10 Hoodoo                                      3:43
11 Knights of Cydonia                      6:07
12 Glorious                                      4:41

Album: 6
Titulo: HAARP
Año de lanzamiento: 2008

Canciones del CD
1   Intro                                            1:44
2   Knights of Cydonia                       6:37
3   Hysteria                                      4:19
4   Supermassive Black Hole             4:01
5   Map of the Problematique             5:22
6   Butterflies and Hurricanes             5:56
7   Invincible                                     6:15
8   Starlight                                      4:13
9   Time is Running Out                     4:23
10 New Born                                     8:16
11 Unintended                                   4:36 
12 Micro Cuts                                    3:47
13 Stockholm Syndrome                    7:37 
14 Take a Bow                                   4:42

+ DVD (Todo en Vivo)

Album: 7
Titulo: The Resistance
Año de lanzamiento: 2009

Canciones del CD
1 Uprising                                           5:03
2 Resistance                                      5:47
3 Undisclosed Desires                        3:56
4 United States of Eurasia                   5:48
(+ Colateral Damage)
5 Guiding Light                                   4:14
6 Unnatural Selection                         6:54
7 MK Ultra                                         4:06
8 I belong to You                                5:39
(+ Mon Coeur S'ouvre à Ta Voix)
9 Exogenesis: Symphony                   4:19
Part 1 (Overture)
10 Exogenesis: Symphony                 3:56
Part 2 (Cross Pollination)
11 Exogenesis: Symphony                 4:37
Part 3 (Redemption)

Espero les haya gustado.

E. Jones*