
Dark Stars...
Previously,, thinking about life and love. Ladys and gentleman here is the film I've been talking about, yes the one that helped me to discern if I was in love or not. Just lovely and sweet, the plot is amazing and it doesn't goes far from reality so anyone can become the principal actor and identify with them. Truly sentimental and touching, I almost cried but as I was with someone else I had to avoid it.

Love seeing it, I'm just waiting to the released in DVD. Yet, I haven't mention nothing about the cast. What can I say about Mathew, he is amazing and is easily to believe that he is the tipe of guy that we see in the film. Just one of the best roles he has performed up to now. Let me think, and what about Jenifer?. She's gordeous and so lovely, the kind of women that is easily to identify with. Incredibly sweet.

Guys is worth seeing it, I hope you like it as I did.


E. Jones*

1 comentario:

  1. ok, como sabés, ahora no estoy en condiciones de redactar en inglés, pero lo que puedo decir es que me muero por ver esa peli, espero poder ir. Ay bff no sabés lo mucho que te quiero♥♥♥ Ya quiero que llegue el día para volvernos a ver.
    Sí, es muy cierto, por lo que ví la peli te hace darte cuenta si realmente amás a esa persona que está a tu lado, no se si llorar, pero emosionarme, tenelo por seguro.
    bueno, creo que las palabras sobran `para decirte lo mucho que te aprecio, sos una gran amiga y de no haber sido por el fotolog y el msn nunca nos hubiéramos conocido, así que aunque nos quejemos del msn, el nos hizo conocer y estoy feliz de que haya pasado=)


